How To Reduce
Your Auto Loan Payoff
Lower My Payoff offers membership to the Inner Circle Club for people who feel they need additional help with the process of canceling their ancillary products. Take a look at how we can assist someone to get their biggest refunds.
Member Support
Email Support 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST, Monday - Friday
Contract Review & Critique: You upload a copy of your Contract and Buyer’s Order, we review the contract, we isolate the optional ancillary products, and email you what we have found.
- Get Your Estimate: We will calculate an estimate of your approximate refund. This could be thousands of dollars.
- Step-by-Step In-Depth Cancellation Process
There will be procedures you will have to follow. We explain these procedures and the best way to achieve your largest possible refund. - How to Expedite Refunds
We explain how you can encourage cooperation from your car dealer/lender. - Our Extended Warranty Review and Critique
Because extended warranties typically offer the largest refund, we analyze your warranty against several other quality warranties that offer the most coverage for the least money. We give you the information you need to make an educated decision on whether or not you want to cancel. If you want to price compare, we have a company that has agreed to offer our members WHOLESALE PRICES.
- We reveal common industry practices and insider tips to give you valuable insights.
- We provide you support throughout the process. If you run into a speed bump, we help you over it. If you have a question, we provide answers. Remember, this could take several months. The sooner you start, the larger your refund will be.
Please keep in mind that cancellation representatives are trained professionals who take pride in their work. They may become defensive or push back when you attempt to cancel.
If you get into the process of cancellation of any of the ancillary products, you may need to join our Inner Circle Club. The cost is very inexpensive compared to the amount you may receive after cancellation of your ancillary products.
Click on the button below to join the Inner Circle Club and receive help for your cancellation process.
With membership to our Inner Circle Club, members will be provided a PDF to download explaining the entire process, insider tips and tricks, and of course all the other benefits. We are here to help you maximize your refund back to your auto loan.