Where We Help You
Reduce Your
Auto Loan Payoff
Where We Tell You How to Reduce the Number of Your Car Payments
This website is for people who are trying to find a way to reduce the monthly payments on their vehicle loan.
You may be that person. Are you thinking you can either buy groceries or pay you car payment? Has the economy tightened up your belt to the point you can’t breathe any more?
First you may think “refinancing.” That may be possible to do, but sometimes the fees are so high to refinance it doesn’t even end up saving you any money in the long run.
Lower My Payoff is not a refinance company. We are in no way affiliated with lendingtree.com or caribou.com. We are so much more.
The only way to lower your payments is to FIRST reduce your principal.
Lower My Payoff is a site that will show you how to successfully negotiate a much lower payoff on your auto loan by reducing the principal (the Payoff) of your loan.
Banks frequently employ this same completely legal loophole that we are about to disclose. This procedure is the VERY FIRST THING the banks do when there is a repossession. They don’t WANT you to know that, but it’s true.
The loophole that we will teach you is available in all 50 states of the union, and the banks, credit unions, and car dealerships can't deny your request.
You just have to know what the loophole is. We know how to do this because we have done it. Many times.
We are professionals in the banking industry, and we implemented these exact same tactics for the banks when we were working with the banks.
Ultimately you may want to refinance but to get the BEST RESULTS it is imperative you use our PAYOFF DEDUCTION METHOD first.
First, a fact about your vehicle loan.
Your car loan’s interest is fixed at the rate contained in your retail installment contract that you signed at the car dealership. This cannot be negotiated.
But we have good news. You may qualify for a reduction in the number of payments you will have to make.
The good news is the PAYOFF (the principal) can be re-negotiated.
Lower My Payoff will show you exactly how to do that in Two Easy Steps. These are Dirty Little Secrets of the car dealerships and the banks.
We teach you how to beat them at their own game.
So, you want to know the secret?
You want to know the two easy steps to lower your vehicle’s payoff?
Well, here they are !!
Locate the optional aftermarket (ancillary) products contained in your Retail Installment Contract and Motor Vehicle Buyers Order.
Cancel them.
Sounds so easy. Well, it can be. You just have to know the "what," the "how," and the "who."
There really are only two steps. And they are simple, if you know what you are doing and if you have the right words. We are happy to assist you with the cancellation process, or you are welcome to cancel on your own.
Be mindful, the people that you will have to deal with to cancel these products are the same people that sold them to you. They have no vested interest in seeing your cancellations go through because they immediately lose commission. The money they made when they sold you these products is now reversed on their commission checks. Nobody likes that.
The whole process could take months because of stalling techniques at the car dealerships, banks or credit unions.
What are Ancillary Products?
The most common Ancillary Products are:
- Extended Vehicle Warranty
- Tire & Wheel Protection
- Dent & Ding Protection
- Windshield Repair & Replacement
- VIN Etching/Anti-Theft Protection
- Key Replacement Protection
- Credit Life Insurance
- Accident & Health Disability Insurance
Extended Warranty

At your loan closing, you tell the Finance Manager you want a 100,000-mile extended warranty. Sounds like a great idea.
You got it. The Finance Manager was more than happy to oblige, and you bought a 3 year/100,000-mile extended warranty.
But you weren’t aware – you weren’t told — that there is not only a mileage limitation on the warranty but also a year limitation as well.
Your driving habits are such that you only travel 20,000 miles a year, so three years down the road you now have 60,000 miles on your vehicle.
Guess what !! Your warranty has expired !! You don’t get to use the other 40,000 miles on your warranty.
You didn’t buy the right warranty.
Did you know the costs also vary greatly?
Different dealers charge different amounts. In fact, most states don’t have any regulation on the mark-up of warranty pricing. We have seen a warranty that cost the dealer $1000 sell for $8,000.
Imagine what that does to your car payment!
This may sound like we are against extended warranties.
Nothing could be further from the truth. If the warranty is priced fairly, that’s fine. That’s good business.

We have seen situations firsthand where, without the warranty, the vehicle would have ended up in a voluntary repossession. We’ve see thousands of dollars in repair bills paid for by a warranty policy. This is great for the customer, and we are all for it.
What we DO have an issue with is the price of the warranty. In many states, there are no regulations on warranty pricing, so dealerships may charge any amount at any time to anyone.
So We Shopped For You !!
After exhaustive research, we found a warranty company that offers our customers a quality warranty at a wholesale price. We found a company that is completely transparent.
You just click on the button below and you can get quotes instantly with up-front pricing. No pushy salesperson, no hype – just information you need. You don’t have to talk to anyone on the phone unless you are interested in going forward.
This will let you compare. Maybe you have the right warranty at the right price, but you won’t know until you compare.
You might want to cancel the expensive warranty you have, credit your loan with the money, and then buy another more-applicable extended warranty at a lower price.
You just input your vehicle’s year, make and model, hit the Get An Instant Quote Button below and it will display plans that offer maximum, bumper-to-
Other Ancillary Products
We have listed several other of the more common ancillary products and their descriptions. If you need help analyzing whether the ancillary products are still to your advantage, join the Inner Circle Club and we can help you make that decisiubon.
Gap Insurance
This product will pay the difference between what you owe and what your insurance company pays in the event the vehicle is deemed a total loss. This is fantastic coverage if you go into the loan with negative equity, and most people do have negative equity. But three years down the road, they will then have positive equity.
At this point, the Gap policy serves no purpose. You don’t need it anymore. But no one will TELL YOU this policy has no benefit for you.
If you don’t know to cancel the GAP policy, the bank will keep the entire premium for the last two years. You get nothing.
Tire & Wheel Protection
This is a policy that says if you collide with something in the road that is not supposed to be in the road, this Tire & Wheel policy would pay to repair or replace said Tire or Wheel. (Curbs are supposed to be in the road and wouldn’t be covered.)
Most insurance companies, and many extended warranty companies cover this.
As with all ancillary products, a big determining factor is the original premium charged. The amount charged for these products is not regulated and the dealer can charge whatever the market will bear.
We’ve seen Tire & Wheel policies sell for as much as $3,500.
So, to recap, ancillary products all have a benefit and a premium associated with it. You must decide if the benefit is worth the premium. All of these optional products are, for the most part, good, provided you were aware of the cost and were not bullied into buying them. Some of our customers didn’t even remember even buying them, far less the price being exorbitant.
We have heard so many stories. We have even heard the Finance Manager had told a buyer (because they had bad credit) that these products were mandatory and required by law !!

Once your signature is on the contract, it becomes a legally binding contract and nothing can change that. However, you can modify the contract, and this is where our Inner Circle Club comes in.
Join the Inner Circle Club, it’s very inexpensive compared to what you may be able to lower your loan payments by. We will walk you through the process, even giving you the actual words to say to the auto dealership and/or the bank that carries your loan. With membership to our Inner Circle Club, members will be able to download an instructional document explaining the entire process, with insider tips and tricks, and of course our great customer service to help you through the process.
The Inner Circle Club can save you thousands, yet it is priced at a low
The Cancellation Process
Once you get your contract, you might have trouble deciphering it. You’re not alone. The contracts are designed that way – to be confusing.
The listed optional products are sometimes disguised with initials to appear to be an “official” fee. They could appear on the Contract, on the Buyer’s Order, or both. You will just have to know what to look for. They are also known as add-on items or ancillary products. The optional items vary — some are cancellable and some are not. With our Inner Circle Club, you will be able to decipher which ones you can cancel.
We also give you language on how to get faster response from the person responsible for helping you. After all, they sold the products to you, they have been making commissions from the sale, and they will not necessarily be excited about helping you take their commissions away. We tell you how to get that done in the fastest way possible.
Once you have decided you want to cancel, your next step is to go to the dealer and cancel. Again, be mindful they may not be cooperative. Be prepared for that. This is where our expertise counts. You were high-pressured when you were buying it, just wait until you try to cancel it. We help you with this.
Our Inner Circle Club helps you through the process. We will take the stress out of the situation for you.
Of course, the sooner you initiate the cancellation, the larger the refund. The cancellation is prorated, so the flip side is that the longer the dealer delays the cancellation the more commission they can retain.
REMEMBER: They are NOT on your side at this point. They sold the product, they don't want to lose the commission.
If you want to tackle this process on your own, we support you.
If you would like to join right now and get all the inclusive Inner Circle Club Membership benefits membership is
Many of our customers have returned to Lower My Payoff for additional help after having tried to deal with the cancellation departments. They found the stress and intimidation from the professionals was just too much for them because they didn’t have the rights words and support.
They came back to Lower My Payoff and purchased our Inner Circle Club membership.
With membership to our Inner Circle Club members will be provided a PDF to download explaining the entire process, insider tips and tricks, and of course all the other benefits.
Lower My Payoff offers membership to the Inner Circle Club for people who feel they need additional help with the process of canceling their ancillary products. Take a look at how we can assist someone to get their biggest refunds.